First, please watch this news video from BBC, then answer the questions below.

Listen for vocabulary:
1) What has the sea done to the buildings in this area? (two verbs) 0:05-0:10
batter, whip
2) What did the young lady take with her when she was evacuated? 0:30-0:43
her cat, makeup, laptop
3) What word was used to describe the commute experience during this bad weather? 0:48-0:52
nightmarish (like a nightmare)
4) The newsreader said it was 'inevitable'. What did the shop owner say, which has the same meaning? 0:53-1:02
5) What expressions did the clergyman use to explain how local people were feeling?1:09-1:22
    "Along with a sense of i)helplessness, there's a very strong ii)resolve, a strong sense of iii)community; and here this morning, seeing people iv)pulling together, it's amazing. Here's the rain starting again; people are v)fearful about vi)what lies ahead, you know? But there's a lot of vii)determination to viii)start again and to ix)get on with it."
6) What do the expressions iv), vi) and ix) mean?
 iv) co-operate, help each other vi) in the near future ix) start to do an unpleasant task without complaining