News Exercise #113

This is a BBC report after talking to local Muslims living in Paris. Of course, they speak with a strong French accent, so it is sometimes difficult to catch.
I sometimes feel that the reporter is feeding them comments and they are just agreeing with him…

1) How do they all feel about the recent events?
2) What is feared may be the consequence of it?
3) What does a minority of French Muslims feel about living in France?
4) His final comment explains the causes of extremist views in France. What are they?
____, ____, ____ are all ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.

1) How do they all feel about the recent events?
2) What is feared may be the consequence of it?
3) They feel that French foreign policy in the Middle East is a modern-day crusade, and they feel alienated from the secular society. (Of course, France has many Catholics but the society separates church and state, and so it is a secular government, unlike in Muslim countries.)
4) Unemployment, alienation and resentment are all potent breeding grounds for the extremists.


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