News Exercise #158

1. The first main speaker gave his opinion on why he feels that Trump does not understand African Americans. What, according to him, is Trump’s misunderstanding?
2. What did the lady speaking from 1:00 say in support of Clinton?
3. The final speaker is not supportive of Clinton. What was her opinion?

1. The first main speaker gave his opinion on why he feels that Trump does not understand African Americans. What, according to him, is Trump’s misunderstanding?
Trump concentrated on lifestyles of black people, and pigeonholed them as all being the same; and this offended the speaker.
2. What did the lady speaking from 1:00 say in support of Clinton?
She has the experience, the character, the knowledge.
3. The final speaker is not supportive of Clinton. What was her opinion?
She said that Clinton has learned how to capitalize on race, and get the votes that she wants, but that she does nothing for the black community.


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