News Exercise #250

1. Several weeks ago the British government made a Brexit agreement proposal. what has been the EU response to this?
2. What will be the effect of a no-deal Brexit? (0:22)
3. what three specific examples were given of predicted disruption?
4. What are the two opposing views of a no-deal Brexit?

1. Several weeks ago the British government made a Brexit agreement proposal. what has been the EU response to this?
It has not been warmly welcomed by officials in Brussels.

2. What will be the effect of a no-deal Brexit? (0:22)
It means disruption to trade as we know it, and as a consequence to that, a disruption to the level of economic activity and higher prices, for a period of time.

3. what three specific examples were given of predicted disruption?
Hospitals and ambulance services have warned of a possible shortage of supplies, farms could be on the brink of collapse, and it could be a disaster for the UK’s food and drink industry.

4. What are the two opposing views of a no-deal Brexit?
Some see it as no bad thing, for others it is the worst of all worlds.


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