News Exercise #275
In this video, the New Zealand Prime Minister breaks the news to the public. The figures quoted are somewhat out of date now.
One thing to remember when listening to a New Zealander is that they tend to pronounce the letter “e” like an “i”. So, the word “ten” sounds similar to “tin” at 0:13.
1. What did she say as a synonym for “died”?
2. She used the New Zealand term (the same as in the UK) for what the US calls a hospital “ER”. What was it?
3. What did she say has been found, and what is the current status of those items?
4. When his video was broadcast, the name of the attacker hadn’t been released. what pronoun did she use to avoid giving the gender identity of the attacker?
5. What agencies are investigating?
1. What did she say as a synonym for “died”?
“Lost their lives”
2. She used the New Zealand term (the same as in the UK) for what the US calls a hospital “ER”. What was it?
“A&E”, which means “Accident and Emergency”.
3. What did she say has been found, and what is the current status of those items?
“Explosive devices attached to suspects’ vehicles have now been found, and have been disarmed.”
4. When his video was broadcast, the name of the attacker hadn’t been released. what pronoun did she use to avoid giving the gender identity of the attacker?
She said “they”
5. What agencies are investigating?
The joint intelligence group and the police.