Commonwealth Day
Britain has close connections with many former colonial countries, and this association is called The British Commonwealth. There is a sporting event every four years, similar to the Olympics, called The Commonwealth Games in which any Commonwealth country can participate. Also, there is an event called Commonwealth Day held in Westminster Abbey in London, attended by the Queen, which celebrates the connection of the 53 member countries. During the event the Queen gives a speech broadcast to all member countries. There is a theme to Commonwealth Day each year; this year it is ‘Team Commonwealth’ and it is held on March 10th.
イギリスは多くの英国植民地時代の国々と強いつながりを持ち、The British Commonwealth(英連邦)と呼ばれています。オリンピックのように4年に1度、英連邦の国々が参加する、The Commonwealth Games と呼ばれるスポーツイベントが行われます。またロンドンのウエストミンスターでは毎年、エリザベス女王が参加する、53か国とのつながりを祝うイベントCommonwearth Dayが開催され、女王のスピーチは全ての英連邦の国々で放送されます。Commonwealth Dayには毎年テーマがあり、今年は‘Team Commonwealth’。Commonwealth の国々はひとつのチーム、という意味でしょうか。
On Commonwealth Day in the year before a Commonwealth Games, the Queen also hands a relay baton to the first runner in a worldwide relay similar to the Olympic torch relay.
Commonwealth Games 前年のCommonwealth Day では、オリンピック聖火のようにリレーを行う最初のランナーに、女王がトーチを手渡します。
British Commonwealth member countries:
Flags of the Commonwealth members outside Westminster Abbey: