Derren Brown’s TV shows

Derren Brown’s TV shows

Derren Brown is a famous ‘mentalist’. He uses human psychology to predict people’s actions, and control them. His targets are always people who have applied to be on his shows – but in most cases they had been told they had failed the audition and had forgotten about it. Several months later Derren uses that person without their knowledge on his TV show. It is entertainment, but Derren feels strongly about educating people of the fakers who take money from them or hurt them by scams using these techniques – such as faith healers; and also to make people more conscious of what they are doing. One of his programmes, ‘Apocalypse’, was show in Japan, so maybe more will follow soon.


日本でもメンタリストという言葉が定着しましたが、元祖メンタリストDarren Brown の番組はお勧めです。人間の心理からおこる行動、それによる詐欺師の手法を示して注意を促したり、大がかりな仕掛けをする場合もあります。仕掛けのターゲットにする人は毎回オーディションをしますが、不合格と通知し、数ヵ月後忘れた頃に仕掛けるので、本人は全く気付きません。’Apocalypse’は日本でも放映されましたが、今後また彼の番組が紹介されるか、楽しみです。

Part 1
Part 2