
In the UK and other predominantly Christian countries Easter is celebrated by Christians and non-Christians, though it is much more religious in mood than Christmas. This year Easter Day is on April 20th.


For Christians, it is to commemorate the death and resurrection (going up into heaven) of Jesus Christ, and is considered the most important time on the Christian calendar. Easter in total is a week, each day relating to different parts of the bible story of Jesus Christs’s death. Many local groups of churches hold outdoor events on Good Friday (this year on April 18th) – the day described in the bible as when  Jesus was crucified. These events often include a march through the town centre, depicting Jesus carrying his cross, and then a service in a park or somewhere large.

イースターはイエス キリストが昇天したとされるメモリアルの日であり、クリスチャンにとって、とても重要です。イースターの期間は1週間で、各日バイブルにより、キリストの死に関わるストーリーがあります。Good Friday(バイブルにより、キリストが十字架にはり付けにされ、死亡した日)には、処刑場まで十字架を背負って歩くイエスキリストを演じる人を含む行進が行われ、公園など、大きな場所で礼拝が行われます。


For non-Christians and Christians alike, Easter is celebrated with chocolate Easter eggs. They are often quite large, and contain candy. Shops are filled with these for several weeks prior to Easter. Parents and grandparents give these to children. There is also a popular custom of an Easter egg hunt. This is an event when eggs are painted and then hidden in the garden. Children then rush around to find as many as possible.
