News Exercise #156

1. In the opening comment, the reporter described President Duterte’s words to Obama using what analogy?
2. What was Duterte angry about?
3. What did President Obama say to describe Duterte, and what did he mean?
4. The reporter described Duterte’s recent comment as not an apology, but instead it was… what?

1. In the opening comment, the reporter described President Duterte’s words to Obama using what analogy?
He used boxing as an analogy. The reporter said, “Duterte has entered the ring gloves off, and taken a swing at Obama.”
2. What was Duterte angry about?
He was infuriated by US crticism to his “death squad” approach to a drugs pandemic.
3. What did President Obama say to describe Duterte, and what did he mean?
“Clearly he’s a colourful guy.” Colourful is a way of saying that someone uses bad language.
4. The reporter described Duterte’s recent comment as not an apology, but instead it was… what?
He said that it was “contrition of sorts”, but not an apology.


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