Twelfth Night Celebrations

The Twelfth Night is a celebration held by the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London. Professional actors perform the “Folk Combat Play of St. George”; a play involving extremely decorated costumes and swordplay, at Bankside Jetty, near London Bridge. The performance features a historical folk character called The Holly Man, or Green Man, who is said to bring good luck to London and The Thames for the year. This character is seen all over Britain, and is on pub signs.

The Twelfth Night は、ロンドンシェークスピア劇場による、お祝いのイベントです。豪華な衣装を身につけ、剣術もおこなうプロの俳優が、ロンドンブリッジの近く、Bankside Jetty(屋外)で、聖ジョージの伝説を上演します。 The Holly Man (またはGreen Man)と呼ばれる、その年にロンドン、テームズに幸運をもたらすと言われるキャラクターのお話です。このキャラクターは、イギリス中で、またはパブの看板で見られます。

The performance is free and takes place in any weather. This year, the event was held on Sunday January 5th.


The twelfth night is traditionally the last day of Christmas, as made famous by Shakespeare’s play and the song ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’. Most British people keep their Christmas tree and decorations up until this day, though most public decorations are taken down a few days earlier, just after new year.

12番目の夜はクリスマスシーズンの最終日、シェークスピアの劇や歌(The Twelve Days Of Christmas)で有名になりました。多くのイギリス人は、この日までツリーやデコレーションを飾ります。街ではその2,3日前、新年があけてすぐ、飾りを取り外します。

Google Maps has many photos of Shakespeare’s Globe.