Take After Someone
Take After Someone 似る He takes after his father in the way he performs. 彼は父親似の演技をする。
Take After Someone 似る He takes after his father in the way he performs. 彼は父親似の演技をする。
For shopping in London, there are several famous areas. One of the more beautiful places to shop, or window-shop, is Burlington Arcade in Piccadilly. You can see pictures of Burlinton Arcade in this Google image search. 大きな地図で見る
The area of South Kensington is home of many free museums (such as The Victoria And Albert Museum, The Natural History Museum), as well as many beautiful, old buildings, pubs, cafes, restaurants and shops. There are also many ‘squares’, which …
With all one’s strength/might 全力で He qualified for the final even though he didn’t run with all his might. 彼は全力で走らなくても、決勝に進んだ。
Talk Big 大口をたたく He talks big even though he has no chance of winning. 彼は勝つチャンスがなくても、大口をたたくね。日本で使うbig mouth は‘噂好きでおしゃべりな、秘密をもらす人’
If you are looking for a good meal experience in Britain, find a carvery restaurant. A chef carves meat from usually three different roasts such as beef, turkey and pork, and you can eat as many vegetables as you want. …
“I was walking on air when I heard that I had been chosen for a big game.” walk on air= 有頂天になる。嬉しくて落ち着かない ‘大試合の選手に選ばれ、有頂天になった。’