Carol Singing
Throughout December people get together in groups and sing Christmas carols (such as Silent Night) in public places such as shopping centres, or door-to-door. People listen to the carols and then donate some coins to the charity the singers are representing. Of course, many people sing carols just for fun, and sometimes school groups or club groups go to homes for the elderly and sing for their entertainment. Old, familiar Christmas carols form an important part of the Christmas atmosphere. Famous carols include ‘Silent Night’, ‘We Three Kings’, and ‘We Wish You A Merry Christmas’.
12月には、あちらこちらで生演奏のクリスマスキャロルが聴かれます。ショッピングセンターなど大きな場所では勿論、小さなグループが各家のドア先で歌い、募金を集めるシーンが映画やドラマに出てきますが、実際に見られます。日本でもよく聞かれる‘きよしこの夜’’We three kings われらはきたりぬ‘など、お馴染みの曲が歌われます。