Crufts Dog Show

Crufts is the biggest dog show in the world, and is held early March every year, and was founded in 1891. This year it was from March 6th to 9th.

There are dogs entered from many countries, and this year there were over 23,000 dogs in total. There are many categories such as obedience, agility and breeds, and dogs have to qualify in another event in order to get a place at Crufts.

It is held at the national Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, with tickets being sold per day at about £18 for adults, £12 for children and free for under 12-year-olds.

Crufts は1891年に始まり、毎年3月初旬に行われる世界最大のドッグショーです。Crufts に出場するための予選を通過した犬たちが、従順さ、機敏さ、血統他、様々なカテゴリーで競います。今年は6日から9日で、たくさんの国々から計23000匹以上がエントリーしました。

バーミンガムのthe national Exhibition Centre で開催され、チケットは大人18ポンド、子ども(12-18)12ポンド、12才未満無料です。