Stir-up Sunday

Stir-up Sunday is the Sunday at the end of November on which families traditionally make their ‘Christmas Pudding’ all together, and the children learn how to make it. The tradition of the whole family making it together started in the Victorian times, but now it is rare, with many families buy ready-made puddings.

Stir-up Sunday は、11月最後の日曜日、家族でクリスマスプディングを作る日です。子どもたちは、一緒に作ることにより、作り方を覚えていきます。ビクトリア時代に始まった風習ですが、現在では作るより、買う家庭が増えてきました。日本のおせちのようですね。

In English ‘pudding’ is rather different to in Japanese, and in this case it is a fruity sponge cake eaten hot with hot custard poured over it. Many Christmas puddings also include alcohol.

