Summer Solstice/Stonehenge
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. Of course, Japan also has a summer solstice, but because the UK is much further north, the UK summer solstice is much longer, with sunrise around 4:30am, and sunset around 9:30pm. This year it is on June 21st. The word ‘solstice’ come from Latin meaning that the sun stands still.
夏至は日本にもありますが、イギリスは日本より北にあるため、日の出4;30日の入り21:30くらいと,もっと長い一日になります。今年の夏至は6月21日でした。solstice ということばはラテン語で、太陽がじっとしている、という意味です。
There are no formal celebrations but many people like to remember ancient pagan (before Christianity) customs of celebrating the sun god at sunrise at Stonehenge, located near Amesbury in Wiltshire. Stonehenge was built about 4000 or 5000 years ago, and is believed to be a burial ground.
Stonehenge can be accessed by bus from Heathrow or London Victoria Station, but the bus goes to Amesbury from where it is either a taxi ride or a 3km walk. It is also possible to take a train to Amesbury. There are one-day tour buses from London which usually include Windsor and Bath. There are many websites offering such tours. If you want to go at sunrise, you will have to rent a car or stay the night in Amesbury.
ストーンヘンジへは、ロンドンからバスか電車でAmesbury へ行き、そこから徒歩3キロか、タクシーで訪れることができます。また、ロンドンからウインザー、バースも訪れる1日バスツアーがあります。日の出を見たい方は、レンタカーか、Amesbury 宿泊になります。