Trooping The Colour

One of London’s biggest annual events is Trooping The Colour.  ‘Colour’ refers to the different flags representing different regiments of the British military. Since 1748 this event has been held on the Monarch’s ‘Official Birthday’, the second Saturday of June, though the event dates back a long way before that. The official birthday stays the same with a new king or queen, but the Queen’s real birthday is also a national holiday.

ロンドンで毎年開催される最大イベントのひとつとして、Trooping The Colour があげられます。’カラー’は、英国軍各連隊の異なる旗を表します。この行事は遠い昔から違った日に行われていましたが、1748年より、王/女王の公式の生誕日、6月の第二土曜日に開催されています。王/女王が変わっても、公式の生誕日は変わりません。女王の実際の誕生日も祝日です。

The event is a march in front of the Queen, accompanied by various military bands comprising of 400 musicians. Rehearsals can also be seen on the two Saturdays before the event. The Queen takes part in the parade, in her horse-drawn carriage. The procession starts at Buckingham Palace at 11:00 and then moves on to several other locations in the area.


It is a spectacle to watch, as all personnel are dressed in full traditional ‘dress’ uniforms, with swords, horses, silver and gold armour, decorations and medals.

Trooping the ColourTrooping_the_Colourbandroyal_family_on_the_balcony_of_Buckingham_PalaceTroopingthecolour