New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is a time for partying. Christmas is for families but New Year is more for friends. There are many organised New Year parties, or some people have them at their home, inviting many friends. It is an evening of drinking and dancing, with a cheer at midnight followed by a chorus of an old song ‘Auld Lang Syne’, from a poem by Burns, a Scottish writer.

イギリスの大晦日の夜は、パーティーに参加したり、自宅に招待したり。クリスマスは家族で過ごすのに対し、大晦日は友人と飲んで、にぎやかに過ごす人が多いです。午前零時には、乾杯をし、’Auld Lang Syne’ を大合唱します。